Thursday, December 1, 2016

Understanding sub-genres

Understanding sub-genres

Psychological Thriller

  • Is a specific sub-genre of the broad ranged thriller and Horror genres.
  • However, it often incorporates elements from the mystery and drama genres, in addition to the typical traits of the thriller genre.  
  • Reality - the quality of being real. Characters often try to determine what is true and what is not within the narrative.
  • Perception -  A person’s own interpretation of the world around him through his senses. Often characters misperceive the world around them, or their perceptions are altered by outside factors within the narrative.
  • Mind - The human consciousness; the location for personality, thought, reason, memory intelligence and emotion. The mind is often used as a location for narrative conflict, where characters battle their own minds to reach a new level of understanding or perception.
  • Existence/purpose - The object for which something exists; an aim or goal humans strive towards to understand their reason for existence. Characters often try to discover this purpose is in their lives and the narrative’s conflict often is a way for the characters to discover this purpose.
  • Identity - The definition of one’s self. Characters often are confused about or doubt who they are and try to discover their true identity.
  • Death - The cessation of life. Characters either fear or have a fascination with death.
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the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information.

- Example Of Espionage Movies
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Supernatural (The Conjuring 2)

Jump scare
Creepy mood
Supernatural appearance that you can't explain
Love and friendship wins the day // The evil continues to harm humanity

Technical codes:
All scenes are dark by editing, showing something bad could happen.

Symbolic codes:

Holy crosses turning upside down with “forces”, symbol of unholy existen,
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Cracking sound of the swing, showing something bad will happen.
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Things moving by itself, while speeding up, followed by fast swap of shots of chaos, create tension.

Crime Thriller
A thriller in which the central characters are involved in crime, either in its investigation, as the perpetrator or, less commonly, a victim (generally, this is just a thriller).

  • Films dealing with crime and its detection are often based on plays rather than novels
  • Common methods and themes in crime thrillers are mainly ransoms, captivities, heists, revenge, kidnappings.
  • An atmosphere of menace and sudden violence, such as crime and murder, characterize thrillers.
  • The tension usually arises when the character(s) is placed in a dangerous situation, or a trap from which escaping seems impossible. Life is threatened, usually because the principal character is unsuspectingly or unknowingly involved in a dangerous or potentially deadly situation
  • The objective is to deliver a story with sustained tension, surprise, and a constant sense of impending doom.

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