Monday, January 16, 2017

Coursework Thriller Film Opening 9 Filming process


We have decided to film on the 23rd of Monday at night. At Hydepark Bangkok. First we scouted the place and asked for permission.

We tried to find a location where there was minimal houses and people to create an isolated feeling. First we were going to use an unused land but the view of the lake was blocked there we used one of the long road outlooking the lake. We tried filming we had sun light but we thought it didn't fit with the theme, so we film when it was dark. Once we started filming it was too dark, we couldn't see much, but we filmed anyway. 

We will be filming again as footage was not good enough. It was too dark, camera shakes making it very unpleasant too watch.

Second time: 31st Jan

This time our footage came out well, with good lighting and shots were well placed and we also had a tripod to create more stable and meaningful  shots. No retake is needed.

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