Monday, March 20, 2017

Coursework Thriller Film Opening Evaluation Question 3

How did your production skills develop throughout this project?


At the beginning i only knew how to edit on the basic software like i movie, movie maker and what it could do was very limited. After learning how to use Adobe premiere pro the possibility of what we could do increased as we could add custom effects and had access to external plugins that could enhance our product.
These are some evidence of editing
Colour grading

 Camera Work

At the beginning i barely use any cameras other than the one on my phone. Through the production process I gathered more techniques from peers and the teachers and improve dramatically. This includes basic camera operation, to more technical shot types and lighting. I was not always behind the camera as i was the main actor but here are some footage of when we were filming:

Visual Fx

We didn't really use visual effect as, our thriller opening was slow pace and we wanted to make it mysterious. But we did try a little to make credit on After effects but found it to complex.


We learnt a lot on thriller conventions in class, but we implemented dose elements to our film to enhance the film opening . Like These shots

 Handheld, blurred background
Shaky cam 


This improve tremendously, as we spent many lesson discussing the different ideas we had before we made the film. The different type of shot in the film opening and transitions was an example of this.

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